Monday, August 23, 2010

Flour price in Saudi Arabia

I missed the bus to Jeddah today because I had to run home to get my abaya, so I ended up just going shopping at the big Tamimi with Winny. We had fun looking at stuff.

Anyway, on my last post I had mentioned how imported goods cost more. Something about Saudi frosted flakes costing 5 riyals while the Kellogg's frosted flakes costs something like 18-19 riyals.

Well, that example is nothing compared to what we found today.

Here's the Safeway brand flour. The price is 17.50 SR for 5lb (2.26 kg).

Here's a Saudi brand flour. The price is 1.75 SR for 2 kg.

Whoa... I mean, like 10 times the price? Flour is flour.... I'm getting the cheap one. Homemade baked goods coming soon...

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